Artist Study: Wassily Kandinksy

More color theory. This time....Kandinsky! In this lesson we first looked at Kandinsky's famous concentric circles painting Farbstudie Quadrate circa 1913.
I started the lesson by projecting the image on the board. I asked the students who they thought made this painting. They responded "Gina's class," "my mom," and "you!" They were excited to learn that this was a famous painting that -- like the work Josef Albers that we had just looked at the week before -- studied how color looks different when placed next to other colors. Learners then started their own creations.

We started with a small circle in the center and then adding circles around that in pastel.

Learners painted in the circles with any color they chose, making sure to think about warm and cool colors.

Materials: watercolor paper cut in squares, watercolor paints, crayon or pastel

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